Sunday 1 March 2020

Doors Within Doors

I have seen it.

My heart, it leapt out
To find sanctuary
In an invisible room 
With doors within doors
And only I have the keys
Which now remain hidden
In an invisible room
With doors within doors.

Zaie Hamzah
1st March 2020

Thursday 20 February 2020

Perfectly Imperfect

I cannot promise you 'perfect' -
I was created deeply flawed
My imperfections 
Designed thus perfectly
To make me 
ME -
And not you
Nor she.
I embrace these flaws
My perfect imperfections
And make them mine
All mine.
So if you want me
Take them, embrace them all
Only then can I truly be yours
All yours.

Zaie Hamzah
20th February 2020

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Winter in the Desert: A Haiku

This winter morning
A spot of sun on my hand
Feels like happiness.

Zaie Hamzah
11th February 2020

Saturday 25 January 2020

I Don’t Do Shallow

I don’t do shallow.
Give me your depth
And watch me plunge fathoms
To know your soul
Turn your world upside down
And your heart inside out.

Berikan aku lautanmu.
Biar ku renangi, biar ku selami 
Hingga ke dasarnya yang sepi
Akan ku selongkar bisikan cinta
Butiran pasir bergetar penuh rahsia 
Disebalik tawa yang tersembunyi
Alunan sendunya irama hati.

Berikan aku lautanmu.
Dengan ombaknya silih berganti
Dan gelora yang menghempas hati
Andai aku lemas dipukul gelombang
Ketahuilah -
Jauh di sudut hatiku
Aku rela mati menjelajah dasarmu
Dari bermain ombak di persisiran
Dan tidak pernah tahu
Di laut dalam ada lagu
Si ikan duyung menangis rindu.

I don’t do shallow.
Let me plunge straight into the storm
Tempestuous in a sea of calm
Let my heart be still, my eyes cry
These mermaid’s tears that won’t dry. 

Berikan aku lautanmu. 

Zaie Hamzah
25th January 2020

Thursday 16 January 2020

Fajr / The Morning Prayer

Come let's go, you and me
Let's head towards victory
Tika dunia hanyut diulit mimpi 
Langit bertutup kelam dan sepi
Ayuh, kita perangi kesejukan dinihari  
Memamah setiap tulang, setiap sendi
Wahai roh yang tenang, bangkitlah!
Biar jasad dan jiwa berpaksikan syahadah
Rapatkan saf, bahu ke bahu, kaki jangan goyah
Berdirilah hai hamba kerdil mengadap Allah
Let's repeat our covenant in Suratul Fatihah
Bow to Al Adhim, hearts humble in ruqu'
He is the closest when we prostrate in sujud
In humility, our foreheads touch the ground
He knows even when the tongue makes no sound
He listens to our du'as despite the state we are in
Cos He is As Sami'ul Alim, Ar Rahman Ar Rahim.

So let us go, you and me
Let us head towards victory.

Zaie Hamzah
16th January 2020

Sunday 29 December 2019

An-Naas/ (The Lord of) Mankind

In this darkening hour
I seek your protection 
Oh You, The One and Only
Ya Rabb, Al Malik of Mankind
The one true God of all that lives
The surest protection in you I find
From men and their wickedness 
As they cast charms so evil
On knots they tie maliciously
Please keep me safe, protect me
From the evil who whispers 
Then retreats in the shadows
Afraid of your reprisal.

Hanya satu, tiada dua
Dan yang pasti, bukanlah tiga
Bukannya dewa dogengan cerita
Bukan manusia yang disembah manusia
Bukan jua berhala tidak bernyawa
Hanya Engkau, Rabbi yang ahad
Hanya satu yang Maha Berkuasa
Ke atas setiap titik darahku yang panas 
Dengan setiap hembusan nafas
Aku mengaku bahawasanya
Aku berlindung denganMu
Dari bisikan-bisikan sibongkak durjana
Dari kesesatan manusia dan tangkal jampiannya
Dari segala kejahatan yang berleluasa
Lindungilah aku, wahai Raja segala raja
Engkau yang satu, bukan dua tiga
Hanya satu, tiada bandinganNya
Hanya satu, Maha Mutlak
Hanya satu, Maha Sempurna.

Zaie Hamzah
29th December 2019

Sunday 17 November 2019

The Opening / Siratul Mustaqim


The moon and the sun
Move flawlessly till their appointed Time
All glorifies The Rabb - Al Malik, The One
The Most Compassionate to all in dire needs
The Most Merciful to all who seeks
His Mercy on the Day when all rises like seeds 
Freshly watered, to shoot and sprout anew 
To awaken after such long slumbers
To The Promise of The Truth that shakes our fears
Are you full of delights, are you full of tears?

We, Your mere slaves, stand here
Before You Ya Rabb who are Greater
Than all our troubles put together
Keep our feet firm on Your Path
Steady our hearts, avert us from your wrath
Grow our taqwa, make us humble
Only You we worship, there is no other
In times of need, You are The Helper.


Wahai Tuhan Sekelian Alam
Bentangkanlah buat hambaMu ini
Jalan yang benar, yang lurus penuh salaam
Bukan jalan mereka yang Engkau murkai -
Sombong asbab kejadian api
Kononnya mulia - nah! Tersungkur sendiri.
Bukan jalan mereka yang Engkau murkai -
Mendustakan QadarMu, menolak Nabi
Yang berdarah Quraisy, bukan Yahudi.
Bukan jalan mereka yang sesat -
Menyimpang jauh dari yang tersurat
Mengadakan yang tiada - sendiri terjerat.
Bukan jalan mereka yang sesat -
Menokok tambah lantang bersorak
Berani memberiMu seorang Anak
Subhanallah! Sekali-kali tidak!

Jalan ini 
Penunjuk segala jalan
Tika ada persimpangan
Dihiasi lampu-lampu berkelip-kelipan
Emas permata berlonggokan, berkilau-kilauan
Menikam sanubari rapuh hatimu - 
Maka pejamlah mata, kentalkan jiwa
Bukalah matahatimu yang mengerti
Bahawasanya jalan ini hanya satu
Lurus dan tidak berliku-liku.

Zaie Hamzah
14th November 2019
Mont Kiara