Monday, 24 June 2013

No Man is an Island.

So many things have happened in my life since my last post; some good, some not so much. What I have learned from them is priceless indeed, and as always, it is a self-realization that teaches me a thing a two about myself. Being away from all things familiar and living my life in such a limited capacity to experiencing the real world per se is by no means easy. I have 'fallen' many times, I am a human being after all. That being said, I have no choice but to get back up, and for now, here are some of the things that help me feel good again.

1) pray - Being a Muslim means I have to pray 5 times a day. Sometimes I feel lazy, but I have come to realise that every time I pray, I feel at peace. Knowing that what happens in my life, big or small, happens for a reason, and that God wants the best for me, and will keep on directing me towards Him. I feel at peace supplicating to Him on my prayer mat, knowing that no challenge is too great when Allah is with me, that He is on my side. Please, God, never abandon me, my family, friends and loved ones, because I need you. We all need you. Amiin!

2) exercise - Having physiological and psychological issues that affect me on a daily basis is a challenge on so many levels. Like a lot of people out there, I find comfort in food, and we all know, it is only a temporary fix. I started exercising again, and I feel good every time, I exercise and sweat it out, which leads me to start taking care of what I put into my body as well. On the plus side, I have now regained my long-lost biceps, though my triceps are still nowhere to be found. I'm nowhere close to making friends with my non-existent six-pack...but in good time,  honey, in good time.

3) Put the music on  - I have also just realized that I had stopped listening to songs! I have quite a collection on my iTunes, and when I'm bored, I just put my music on the speaker and sing along ( or in my case, I hum along... since I don't know the words to all the songs). Music lifts my spirit the way a cupcake does not. But don't listen to sad songs....cos tht somewhat defeats the purpose, am I right? 

4) Connect with people - Of course, only with people I like! Hahaha I used to just keep things to myself ( I'm an artistic person, and we artistic people are always long-suffering poor souls! Hahahaha). But of late, I have found that there's no better way to lift up my spirit than connecting with my family and friends. To tell them about what bothers me, what I like, what I don't like, and to listen to them and their problems, to offer a piece of advice, sympathy, empathy, or to congratulate them on their good news. basically, to show support and to get support. we humans are sociable creatures. I definitely need my friends and my sisters, and as I'm far away from everybody I care about, technology is a great means to connect with the important people in my life. I can connect with my family and friends, and new friends, at almost no cost at all. Emails, SMS, WhatApp, Skype, Kik, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter...and of course the old-fashion (gasps!) phone!! It is fabulous! And through all these social media, I am able to catch up with friends and family back home, and all over the world, which  is absolutely fantabulous! I am ever so grateful to all the people who take the trouble to connect with me and say hi. I really appreciate it. Makes me feel like I am indeed a part of this big world, cos living in this place sometimes makes me feel so far removed from everybody and everything.

So, these are the things that help me every day.  Thank you for reading. Comments are welcome.


  1. Wise words lovely, I can relate big time :) Thanks for sharing!!

  2. We are kindred I had an unexpected phone call & emails from an old friend & I felt lifted, lighter & happier than I had since Tom left. I got lots of stuff done & still had time to enjoy my chai & my book. I have had the radio on all day, drowning out the sound of the tv & it lifted my spirit as well. I may well even do some yoga before bed tonight. I have the day off from the kids tomorrow & Tom has said I should go for another hot rock massage, so I thought I had better earn it by cleaning the bathrooms & mopping the floors.
    this is a great post, what a good idea to document what makes you feel good.
    my email is stakimama at gmail dot com it would be nice to hear from you.

  3. I'm smiling for you ! An you've made me smile

  4. As always, I feel so connected to your thoughts and feelings. I also stop listening to music when I'm upset and stress eat. I re- started exercising during my 2 week vacation( although I still haven't mastered the diet) . Since going back to work I have also started listening to music: a CD while I' m getting dressed and Pandora or Slacker as I go to work. It helps. I think e are all pieces of one giant puzzle.
